Thursday, February 6, 2020

Day 22


The Color of Water - Family History Project Due February 28

Your family history project should reflect YOU, your family, and your culture. This is not a project to wait until the night before the due date to complete since compiling the information needed will require you contacting relatives, so schedule your time accordingly. Interviews can be done via facetime, phone if necessary but sitting down face-to-face will allow you to interact with items and momentos that may help tell their story.

Ultimately, you will produce a written piece of no less than 700 words that will tell a portion of your family’s story (memoir). This means that your piece must contain characterization and dialogue, be written in paragraph form, and have a narrative arc.  In the piece you must include anecdotes gathered from your interview process to illustrate your points. It should be personal and not read like an encyclopedia entry. See my example.

The second piece of writing will be research-based and will pertain to some aspect of your family story. This could be historical research of a time period or a particular career, etc.
The third piece will be a reflection paper that includes: Why I choose this focus to represent my family? What I knew before I started. The story of my search. What I learned? Why does it matter to me?

Visual presentation such as a poster board, shadowbox or other physical presentation- You will create a display that represents the things you learned about your heritage. Use photos of old photos, symbols of treasured things, representations of values and personalities. Impress me with your creativity.
Find a relative to interview. The older the better. Get them talking. You will be surprised to see how they all have a story to tell.

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